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Animated Gif Length Limit

What is a GIF?

A GIF is a graphics interchange format that supports both static and animated images.

The length of a GIF refers to the duration of its animation from start to finish.

GIFs are commonly used on the web to create simple animations, such as loading screens and banner ads. They are also popular for creating short, looping videos that can be shared on social media.

The maximum length of a GIF is 60 seconds. However, most online platforms limit GIFs to 15-30 seconds to reduce file size for quick loading. The length of a GIF will also depend on the number of frames it contains. GIFs with more frames will be longer than GIFs with fewer frames.

To create a GIF, you can use a variety of online tools and software. Some popular options include Photoshop, GIMP, and


GIFs are a versatile and popular way to create simple animations and short videos. They are easy to create and share, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you are creating a loading screen, a banner ad, or a short video for social media, GIFs are a great option.
